Payment Information |
Paying with a credit card? We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Account with terms? Accounts with terms can be established when credit information is supplied and approved. Email to sales@modularhose.com. Fortune 500, Government, and Educational institutions are automatically approved for credit. We require a formal purchase order and cannot process purchase requisitions. Payment must be made in US funds on a US bank. We do not ship to accounts that have any overdue invoices. International organizations other than in Canada, are prepaid. Payment can be made on credit card or wire transfer.
Send Purchase Orders to:
ModularHose.com Oak Hill Brands Corp 1013 N Lombard Rd Lombard IL 60148 USA
PO's can be emailed: sales@modularhose.com
Need a copy of your invoice? Simply give us a call or email us the request. If you ordered online, you can view your orders by logging into "My Account".